In general, the privacy of all communications between a Client and Victim Advocate are protected by law. All the details you tell your advocate will be kept confidential as protected under the law of privileged communication. (IC 35-37-6-9)
Informed Consent

Exceptions to Confidentiality:
Regarding Neglect or Abuse:
The advocate has a reason to believe that a minor, elderly person, or person with a disability is being neglected or abused, in which case Fair Haven is required, by law, to file a report with the appropriate state agency. (IC 31-33-5)
Regarding Threats:
If the advocate has cause to believe that you are threatening serious bodily harm to self or others. The advocate will have to contact authorities, as a means to protect you and/or the potential victim. (IC 34-30-16-2)
Regarding Confidentiality:
The advocate may occasionally consult with other supervisors/professionals about a case. During a consultation, the advocate will make every effort to avoid revealing the identity of the client. Likewise, the consultant is also legally bound to keep the information confidential. (IC 16-39-2-6)
You may waive confidentiality at any time. However, you must fill out a RELEASE OF INFORMATION form in a timely manner. Without this signed form, confidentiality cannot be waived.